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About Charles Kessler III

Charles Kessler III is an associate licensed counselor under the supervision of Lauren Kasi Freeman. Mr. Kessler uses an integrated approach and is grounded in humanistic counseling. A humanistic approach to counseling focuses on the whole person and the uniqueness of each individual. Humanist therapists believe that people are inherently good and have an innate need to better themselves. Mr. Kessler believes that the role of the counselor is to create a therapeutic relationship that the client can use for his/her own personal growth.

Are you ready to take the first step?

My Values


Confidentiality is a sacred value in counseling. It is vital to the counseling relationship that you feel safe that whatever you talk about in session will not leave the counselor's office. Whatever you say in session is safe and will not be repeated.


Mr. Kessler will respect your right to decide for yourself and to choose your own path in life. Your therapist will not push you into making any choices, but will instead help you to determine which path is right for you.


Compassion is feeling sympathy for another person's emotional pain and distress and a desire to help that person heal from their pain. Your therapist will approach you with compassion and a desire to understand what you are experiencing.


Mr. Kessler will accept you as you are without judgment and with a desire to understand who you are and how you experience the world.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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